Tuesday 4 November 2014


Just believe and keep holding on,
The sun is soon rising on the horizon.
Soon it will be morning once again
That we rise to leave a mark on this nation.

Even though troubles maybe our bedmate;
That makes you wonder if u were a mistake,
To be born in a world of such a stalemate;
Where u give your all but still stagnate.

Never entertain the temptation to cry,
There is no shame of failing when you try,
Keep trying soon you will be home and dry,
There is a breakthrough ahead wallai billai.

Now I envy the smile of triumph in your face,
No words can describe it with enough finesse.
I told you that you will make it in this race,
Now where are those who thought you had no chance?

If you believe and tend to your belief,
Your ways will be subtle and full of relief.
No need to grieve, you only need to believe
Now go and lift anyone out there in grave grief
Tell them they will make it only if they believe.

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