Thursday 12 February 2015


By Gentle Nique (0722 396028)
Multimedia University is on strike and students have been given fifteen minutes to clear from their premises is what hit me as I headed for school this morning.
De ja vu? Exactly. It is barely two years since I joined the school and I have already experienced two strikes.
The first strike happened in June and the news got me in the same way as this one. I was away minding a very important business in Kenyatta University when on my way back to school I heard touts and passengers talking about Multimedia University students having gone on strike.
The first strike was occasioned by a draconian policy borne from poor management. The policy of paying 100% fees on the first day in school did not pass the test of logic. Students wondered what the school was up to with most being self sponsored who pay fees to the tune of Kshs. 85, 000. Even in leading universities like University of Nairobi and Kenyatta University this is not the case. Students are given at least a month to clear their balance.
Students tried to reason with the management to reconsider their stance but all fell on deaf ears. The students staring into bleak future after exhausting dialogue were left with no option but to call on the use of force. This was the only way the dictatorial management was going to give reasoning a chance.
The management buckled at the pressure and introduced a new policy where students are not allowed to sit for examination without clearing their fees balance. Despite this policy, students were still hunted from lecture halls and sent home more often than not. You were left to wonder whether you made a mistake of enrolling in another secondary school after completing your four years in high school.
Fast forward, the state of management has not improved. In fact it has deteriorated to its nadir. Some administrators are arrogant while some have ‘I do not care’ attitude. Service delivery is at its lowest point. Lecturers are rarely in class, pavilion is pathetically run with students shoving every time to access meals, the state of ablutions in the hostels is terrible and internet connection is wanting despite students paying huge levies for the same.
In the first strike all students were forced to pay for the damages even when most of them were not in school then. This left many students bitter and parents disillusioned.  Despite the charges not any development happened in the school with only noticeable change being some administrators growing their ‘vitambis’.
This time round it was because of electricity which was being repaired by the school not being put back in place on time as promised. It was callous for the first year students to strike but this was because of stored up anger over incompetent and arrogant management and lastly because of inefficient service delivery.
I do not, in any way, support strikes but even if a saint was to school at this university, he will be left with no choice but to go on the rampage.
For how long do you expect students to stomach such inefficiency and apparent lack of interest in their welfare when only what the management is concerned with is money which is never invested in their welfare after being collected?
The Ministry of Education through the Cabinet Secretary needs to move swiftly and conduct an audit on this school before push turns into shove.
No wonder students have coined a name for the university from its acronym M.M.U: Money Minded University.

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