Tuesday 7 October 2014


There is a story in the Bible where there were two people who went to pray to God. I cannot quite remember the exact verse but I think it is in one of the Gospel books. One man prayed to God from a point of a sinner while the other prayed from a point of a saint. This story can be used to relate to the two major coalitions we have in Kenya now.
CORD is like the man who prayed from the stand point of a saint while Jubilee can be likened to the man who prayed from the stand point of a sinner. And if you go on reading the ensuing verses we get that the person who prayed to God as a sinner had his prayers answered unlike the second man.
Jubilee politicians know that they are not saints and they cannot pull off one even if they try really hard. They always present themselves to the public as those who are remorseful and ready to repent their sins and ask for forgiveness. They try hard to prepare themselves adequately when they are going for any interview be it on television or radio. This is evidenced on how they easily articulate their views and have the necessary articles or evidence to support them.
CORD on the other hand seems to be full of sainthood. They do not prepare as they think they are saints and whatever they ask from God will be given as they have not sinned before. They forget that God wants a sinner more than a saint. The public also behave in this manner. We want those people who come to convince us with details and not just allegations and rumours.
I have watched many live interviews and I have not been impressed with the performance of politicians affiliated to CORD. They do not show any signs of having prepared for the interview and just make off the cuff statements. Jubilee politicians on the other hand come out as those who maybe spent a whole night doing research and putting facts into order. They always come out as legitimate even in matters where they should be probed further. They know that their counterparts are lazy and so they exploit it to the maximum. They are like salespeople, they convince you to buy an item that you have vowed not to ever buy.
It is high time that Cord leaders start being serious and not tell God how they have worked for Him but tell God how they are remorseful and ask for guidance. They should invest in worthwhile advisers and not those who hang on for easy rides. Jubilee spends money on advisers and you can see that everyone works to the benefit of the president and his deputy. In CORD it is the opposite. Everyone wants to reap from Raila Odinga and so you find that they always fail in areas where they could have won.
To whom much is given much is expected. CORD must spend much to get much. This is what defines Kenyan politics and if they want to use peanuts then they will reap same peanuts and not rubies. Everybody must push towards the same pool and not pull from one pool (read Raila). This is what has made Jubilee to overcome even some of the insurmountable odds.

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