Tuesday 21 October 2014


Someday somewhat I will rise anyway
From the deep embers of hopelessness
To the highest point of selfless stardom
And be a fierce fighter for true freedom
Seeking a society free of the man eaters
Who care not about the ordinary citizen

Someday somewhat I will rise anyway
To give voice to the voiceless that is us
A tool to bring forth equity and justice
And bring hope to the hopeless at last
A sincere sacrifice deep from the heart

Someday somewhat I will rise anyway
Above the enclaves of tribal shackles
And embrace the diversity in Kenya
Calling for all and sundry to unite as one
Focusing on our similarities not differences

Someday somewhat I will rise anyway
Beyond the chronic despair that is my life
And share my story to act as an inspiration
That nothing is impossible with determination
Though we may lose the battle but never the war

Someday somewhat I will rise anyway
And lead a revolution of the like-minded
Without shedding of blood of the innocent
For the sake of selfish gains of few people
But to emancipate the poor from the rich
And herald sanity in building the nation

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