Wednesday 17 September 2014


Dead Beat my foot! I had wanted to steer away from this debate trending in Kenya but due to public demand I have to waddle into this murky water. I will try to tackle this topic with wit, whim and humour.
For those who are not aware of what Dead Beat is let me put you on the same wavelength. Dead Beat Kenya is a page that was created on facebook to coax men to take care of the children they had sired before.
My first impression of this debate was very dull. I do not think it is worth the hullabaloo. Imagine if these Dead Beat women would be wailing at the top of their voices if I - a charcoal burner- was the one who sired a child with them? Would they even want to expose me with the same magnitude they are doing to those they consider loaded in the wallet? I bet they won’t do that.
As you ponder the aforementioned questions let us look at a point which these women are missing. I will use a famous example to illustrate my point. When a man and a woman consent to indulge in unprotected sex, they well know the outcome. There can be sexually transmitted infections and diseases, pleasure or pregnancy as the consequence.  Do these women think that during or after the process they will be spewing out loads of notes like an ATM or they will be heavy with fridge or plasma television? Let us all be realistic.
To my example, when Obama senior and the wife engaged in unprotected sex they gave rise to Barrack Obama. Obama senior went his way leaving the wife in a far away land. It was genuine love and she wanted to be with him not for the money but for the other things he saw in him. She did not become bitter or acted out of frustration. She took care of her child and the rest is history.
This is an analogy that will help us see the real intention of these Dead Beats. I was taught that a lady is the custodian of her periods. She knows when she is in her ovulation period. She knows when she can or cannot get pregnant. So I tend to believe that when a lady gets pregnant it is because she has made that decision unless she has been coerced into sex or raped.
I have tried to weed through the posts with a fine tooth pick but I have not seen one claiming that the man in question raped her. So I concluded that they gave their consents willingly. Those with ulterior motives and never realized them are the ones now back to reap where they did not sow.
If you wanted a child with good looks and the rest, you got it but, if you wanted money or a sponsor to you and your child then you should have gone to an NGO to register yourself for help.
I am tall, dark and …but that is nowadays determined by the depth of your wallet. I can categorically say that I have not been implicated in these shoddy allegations. This means that money is the significant driving force here.
Let these ladies come out clean and tell us what they really want. Why in the first place do they go for married men and those perceived to be financially stable. There are single men out there who are ready to start families. Stop breaking families and start your own from a scratch.
 If you make a bed, be ready to lie on it.

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