Saturday 6 September 2014


I have always been the youngest or the most underrated person in every place I have been. I remember starting schooling in class two at only five years. I followed my brother to school because I did not want to remain home alone. It was in third term. I managed position nine at the end of the year and got promoted.
This marked the start of my love for the underdog. I was always bullied in school and this made me bitter. I hated those who thought they had arrived or were the undisputed kings. I wanted to form my own group of the like-minded. I was the underdog and in the process was quiet and unnoticeable. I wanted to make those who suffered the same fate like me to overcome this treatment and be heard and respected.
My love for football started when I was in class four during the 1998 World Cup. I had a book of stickers of the World Cup stars of the time. I remember children would buy as many bubble gums as possible until they get a sticker of Ronaldo Luis Mazario, the star of the time. It made me pay more attention to football. In 2002, I watched the World Cup for the first time and liked what I saw. Senegal had a World Cup to remember and this fairytale rubbed on me instantly.  Apart from Senegal I rooted for Germany. They had old players and were not fancied to reach the final. They made me proud and vindicated my choice. I have never looked back since then.
I joined high school in 2004 as a Gunner fan. My school shirt collar in fact had the name Gunner on it. After acquainting myself with my classmates I realized many supported either Manchester United or Arsenal. Conversations always concentrated on these two clubs. This was always dominated by those who hailed from the cities. I wanted to change things. I wanted to create a third force that incorporated those from the rural areas. I had to ditch Arsenal to realize my dream.
In form two I decided to join the Chelsea brigade. I had watched Drogba and Mido tear defenses during the 2003/2004 Champions League and when Drogba joined Chelsea my mind was made up. It also coincided with the arrival of Roman Abramovic and Mourinho. I started being vocal and my academic performance also gave me a boost. I could now be heard. We were only two Chelsea fans at first, but after a year we reached eight.
This experience made me proud. A third force had been created and students could also talk of Chelsea and not only Arsenal and Manchester United. Chelsea has continued to prosper and I am an ardent fan of the club and football in general. Apart from God and my mother, nothing touches me like football does.
I love to see underdogs rise and go on to conquer. It is part of my life because I have had to prove myself in every place I have gone to. I have always been underrated and underestimated until I later prove people wrong. In the universities I have gone to this has always been the case.
In Tennis I love Novak Djokovic. In Rugby Sevens I support Kenya. In Hip Hop I love Drake because he had to prove himself. Seasoned rappers doubted him when he entered the scene but look at him now!
Believe in yourself, be resilient and persist in anything you do and you will reap the rewards. I started from the bottom now I am here Drake raps.

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