Tuesday 30 September 2014


“Death be not proud,” a famous poet by the name John Donne once wrote. That Malachi Oguma is now no more is disheartening. It borders on unbelievable. He was a friend, a brother and a role model all rolled in one. He made an impact in my life though we did not spend much time together. He embodied patience, hard work and humility, virtues that are hard to come by.
Malachi, you made me who I am today even though I never had a chance to tell you so. You made me learn the value of humility and perseverance. However bad things were, you always wore a smile. You told us that no condition is permanent and that no matter how hot water is, it will eventually be cold.
I took your words like religion. I always smile even when I am supposed to wail. It makes the problem seem like just a challenge that we have to contend with in life. Whenever I am faced with a problem I put on a smile and embark on a solution. This is a value that is hard to personify let alone maintain. It has been years but I still remember our time together.
Remember the days you were our choir master. You put me to sing while others thought that was impossible.  I sang alto with the ladies as that was where my voice could fit. You made the experience worthwhile even though the boys thought I was crazy singing alto. I wish you were here to hear my baritone voice. I am now grown up and can belt out bass or baritone. Look how fast time has flown!
Do you remember when all fell apart? When you left and the home came crumbling afterwards? You gave us comfort that all will be well. And to your words, I am now in the university and very soon will be somebody in the society. I will not be present to pay my last respect as you return to the soil but I want you to know that we will miss you so much and you were a person I looked up to for inspiration.
As you go, please greet for me those I hold dear in my heart and mind. Tell them to keep looking at me and also that I am in the process of making them proud. I know you are bound for the heavenly choir and you will continue the good deeds that you have done in this earth.
May your soul rest in eternal peace as soil returns to soil.

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