Wednesday 24 September 2014


I shall verily return one day
To where my heart knows home
Where love gives my lips rhythm
To express pulsating and riveting joy.

In this thing fondly called love
We eternally expect much to happen
When in essence we do not lay a haven,
A sturdy ground for true love to thrive.

I wish one day to go to the place
Where smitten lovers relish to enjoy
To hear sweet sonorous voice in company
And let the emotions flow happily in grace.

I want to enjoy the thrills of her grip
As our love is no castle built in the sand
That cannot forever tests of time stand
As I enjoy her warm words so deep.

I would want the flames to keep burning
Giving light and direction to feelings of love
As we forever keep our emotions alive
Keeping it playing like a sweet classic song.

Absence makes the heart go yonder
So please stay by my side in all times
Even when the tides of life hit high notes
Whether the storm and not surrender.

After the storm has passed and new day call
We shall in arms grace the aisle to the pulpit
Exchanging everlasting vows never to part
But live forever as one family in one soul.

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