Wednesday 3 September 2014


Talent is innate ability that one is born with. It is wired into an individual’s DNA by God. On the other face of the coin exists hard work and perseverance. While talent makes things look easy, hard work requires tons of sweat. Talent is like a privileged child while hard work is the exact opposite.
Most of the time comparisons have been made about Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo. For those who are not aware of the two, these two people are the best footballers at the moment or of this decade. I found it prudent to also weigh in with my opinions.
To me Lionel Messi is a bag of talent. He makes the art of football look so easy yet intricate. He has been above his contemporaries most of the time because of his extra ordinary talent. He would not have been a footballer save for his talent.
When he is in full flight with the ball at his feet, he is a joy to watch. It seems out of this world. When it comes to ball control, some have alleged that he uses magnetic boots. And that this feature aids him in doing the razor-sharp controls we watch every time he graces a football pitch.
He wazzles and dazzles in equal proportion. He is an enemy to the opponents but adored by his teammates. When you meet Messi for the first time he can pass as just any other guy next door. He does not seem like a footballer at all. Short, lightweight and down to earth – the exact opposite of what footballers are nowadays.
Cristiano Ronaldo made it to the top because of hard work and perseverance. He trained a lot and dedicated his time to the profession. He was a cut above his peers because of his attitude and not because of his extra ordinary ability. He has won his many accolades because he is ready to drop every ounce of sweat to get what he wants. Cristiano is what you think of when a footballer is mentioned because he looks the part.
He is tall, muscular and athletic. His body is adorned with the latest beauty accessories. He flaunts a lot and attracts controversy like a magnet. He does step-overs and leaves his opponents for dead. He has raw power to burn. He is a trainerholic and this has made it easy for him to scale the heights.
The closest footballers who have come next to Messi in talent sphere are Ronaldinho, Zidane, Ronaldo the phenomenon and the Zlatan. I will not talk about Pele, Maradona and the likes because they are out of my reach. I have not watched them play, period.
Now you know why Messi is the best footballer ever!

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