Monday 11 August 2014


My favourite musician of all time, the late Lucky Philip Dube once sang “so far so good still leaving today but you do not know what tomorrow brings in this crazy world. People dying like flies everyday you read about it in the news but you do not believe it, you will only know about it when the man in a long black coat knocks on your door, because you are his next victim.” This legend was talking about death. Most people do not give death a damn until it sweeps so close to them.
Saturday, August 9, 2014 was the day I came to terms with what the late Dube was singing about. Those who believe in traditions say that number nine is full of bad luck. I do not believe in superstitions but the day made me doubt myself a bit.
I woke up as usual at the milk boys knock on the door.  I emptied the milk into our sufuria and delivered back the container back to the boy. I was feeling dizzy but I wished it away as I made my way to the latrine to relieve my tract.
It seemed like eternity to walk the eighty meters from the house to the latrine. I felt like I was in a whirlwind and my senses had abandoned me. I opened the latrine door and leaned against the wall not even stepping on the inside of the latrine. Half way through, I could not hold it anymore.
I could feel my world spinning rapidly and so I decided to rush back to the house and lie on my torso to regain my senses. But that was not going to be. I lost balance and collapsed after just ten meters from the latrine and lay down lifeless. In that moment, death flashed across my eyes, but God was not asleep.
A rush to the hospital by two neighbours who saw me fall came quickly. Results for my tests declared me safe and sound. In such situations you come to appreciate the value of life. I cannot imagine it was only yester night I was chatting with friends trying to create awareness about this same blog. Time really flies and every second and minute should be lived at the feet of Jesus.
Psalms 23 aptly summarizes everything by saying “yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me…”  Surely, nobody knows the hour nor the day of departure, as we are only visitors in this world. You are alive today, gone tomorrow.

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