Monday 18 August 2014


When push turns to shove, we are forced to swallow the bitterest pill- quit or end your life. Have you ever taken your time to wonder why it is always this? A famous Nigerian musician once sang “do not get it twisted, love is a beautiful thing.” Maybe he was direct from the lovers’ school but many will vehemently disagree with him.
Love is like a double-edged arrow that is hard to remove after piercing the heart. If you dare do, you are finished. Is this why most end their lives after being struck by cupid’s arrow? Or is it just infatuation gone sour? The rate of divorce has skyrocketed and broken homes are one of the trends in the country. These things were just read on a newspaper or told by those were conversant with the ways of wazungu.
What happened to the happily ever vows that our grandparents adhered to like religion? What has weakened our morals to the point of irreversible collapse? Many will blame it on globalization and widespread use of technology, but do we take time to look at the man or woman on the mirror? We are the perpetuators of this trend – the mantra of “you only love me when I get a dime or if I am beautiful.”
Maybe I am old school but I think the rot starts with you. Do not look for a scapegoat. Some people told us that choices have consequences. They were right but often we do not give a damn to such wise words.
When you choose a girl to date what do you look for? Is it technology or globalization guiding you? A definite NO. Do you take your time to do some research on this beauty to know what you starting? Most of the time we plunge head first and fast into relationships. We are enticed by outer beauty rather than character. Little do we know that beauty is momentary and relative-it depends on the state of the mind at the time. Character on the other hand is silent but enduring.
Most youths of today will tell you how a lady is beautiful or how a man is handsome. They rarely mention how the said lady or man is of good morals. We always judge by the eye and not logic.
My grandmother always tells me to go for a lady with respect and a big heart. Do not worry for beauty; it will come crawling to its place.  A beautiful lady or handsome man is a public property. Only noticed when one is tipsy but change the moment you come back to your senses.
A woman with respect will respect her body, you and your family. A woman with a big heart will welcome visitors as if they were you. She treats everybody with respect and knows her boundaries. A man with respect, respects his lady, treats her like a precious inheritance. He cannot think of hurting her. He is her friend and the reverse is also true. He respects your friends and sees them not as sex objects. These two are the basic foundation of a lasting relationship.
What happens when one’s beauty is gone? You start looking for a better one, right? With respect and big heart, they are inborn or nurtured by parents who value morality. They are forever and ever present. TAKE A HARD LOOK IN THE MIRROR AND DECIDE WHAT YOU LOOKING FOR. AS FOR ME IT IS RESPECT AND BIG HEART, THE REST ARE ADDED ADVANTAGE.

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