Tuesday 5 August 2014



I would rather be unborn
Left out of this world unclean
Than be a party to tyranny of mean
That is hell bent on destruction
Raging with vengeance galore.

I would rather be unknown
Rising from grass to grace
With the sure steps of a toddler
Than be great now and fall later
When life is at its sweetest zenith.

I would rather be wealthy
With happiness and contentment
Than be materially stinking rich
With money devoid of happiness
Condescending anybody around
Without regard to civility and humanity.

I would rather be the happy poor peasant
Toiling everyday in scorching sun embrace
Trying to add to the basket of my folks
Than be that rich man flaunting in town
Ordering people around with obese obsession
In the name of building the nation.

I would rather rise like the phoenix
From the ashes of submission and torture
And establish a just and united people
Than be seen around as a marabou stock
Treated without civility or pedigree
Waiting for the vulnerable to devour.

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